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Who are members of Rainbow?

Rainbow members are between the ages of 11 and 20 years old. Rainbow welcomes everyone, regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. You do not have to be Christian to join, but parents can be assured that the values promoted by Rainbow are positive and uplifting. The lessons encourage members to be strong in spirit and kind in heart, respectful toward nature, and giving toward all humanity.

The activities of a Rainbow assembly are as varied as its members, and only limited by their imaginations. With the direction and assistance of the advisory board, the girls plan and hold a variety of different projects and activities. Fun activities may include dances, swim parties, picnics, or trips to amusement parks; Fundraisers may be bake sales, car washes, pancake breakfasts, or candy sales; and Charity/Community Service projects may consist of bowl-a-thons, placing flags at graves on Veterans Day, visiting at local hospitals and nursing facilities, and collecting toys for children and can tabs for the Shriner's Hospitals. Girls are encouraged to suggest new ideas, and participation by parents in any of our activities is always welcome. 

What do Rainbow Girls do? 

Do Rainbow Girls have a uniform?

Rainbow does have a dress code policy that applies to members and adults, when attending various meetings or events as a Rainbow representative. The dress code specifies formal dresses for special meetings and specifics for other events. Most Rainbow Girls enjoy the chance to “dress up” and discover the difference it makes when presenting themselves with grace and self-respect.

It is the book of ceremonies used by Rainbow girls across the world for formal meetings and open ceremonies of Rainbow. Each officer has a part that they memorize and present at the meetings which is found in the ritual. By presenting a memorized lecture, Rainbow Girls learn about public speaking and leadership.

What is the Ritual?

Is Rainbow a secret or religious organization?

Similar to a sorority, Rainbow has certain aspects that we do not perform in public, like much of our ritual work. However, parents, grandparents and/or legal guardians are always invited to attend closed meetings. We do have certain signs and passwords that make our organization unique and gives the girls something that unites members around the world. But no actions will ever be required of members that would be against their personal beliefs or the beliefs of their church or home. Further, members are never asked to make pledges or participate in activities that would be contrary to their moral values or make them feel uncomfortable.No, Rainbow is not a religious organization.. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service organization. Rainbow is non-demoninational, and welcomes girls from all backgrounds. The only religious requirement is that members hold the belief in a Supreme Being of their choice.

How much time is spent on Rainbow activities? 

Typically, Sunrise Assembly # 39 has two regular meetings per month, every two weeks on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, to plan their activities and perform the official opening and closing ceremonies of the ritual. In addition to those meetings are other local assembly events the girls have planned to hold during that month, which may include a variety of fun, fundraising, or charity/community service activities as described earlier. There are also opportunities for the girls to travel to other assemblies in the state for their meetings or activities, and to attend and participate in various state-level functions and events. With the assistance of the advisory board, the girls decide on the planned meetings and activities of their own assembly, trying to schedule times not in conflict with other planned state Rainbow or community or school events. It is important to stress that the benefits the girls gain through membership will depend on their level of involvement and commitment to the programs. 

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