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Even though we conduct fundraisers to pay for our own events, we can't fundraise 100% of the time. So we are asking for your support!


Rainbow helps to develop confidence and self-esteem by giving girls the opportunity to assume a leadership role among their peers. When girls are given the chance to express ideas and opinions, work as a team with both their peers and adult advisors, and see those ideas become reality, their confidence in themselves and their abilities will grow.


Rainbow girls are encouraged to pursue their dreams and scholarships are offered to help assist them. In addition, many colleges today want to know about participation in activities outside of school. Membership in a service organization is a good addition to their college application.


        "Whether you’ve had a personal experience with Rainbow or not, one can’t deny the important role this youth group 

         plays in the world today. Helping girls grow to become strong, successful individuals is a challenging yet rewarding

        honor. Donations truly make a difference and will help to secure the future of Rainbow Girls for generations to come."

                                                                                                                        - The International Order of Rainbow for Girls


There are so many ways to support us:


1. Money you can donate via paypal using the "Donate" button below or via a check in person.

2. You can donate an item we can use to rase money during our fundrasiners.

3. You can donate information about how we can serve our community.






Your donations will be used to reduce the cost of:
























The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

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Member Dresses

Hosted Guests

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And So Much More...

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