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for all the girls,

around the world

Rainbow is a non-profit service, founded in 1922 by William Mark Sexson, whose main purpose is to prepare today’s young women, ages 12 to 21, to become tomorrow’s leaders.  Using the colors of the rainbow, the young women of Rainbow learn the following virtues:  Red - Love of home and family, Orange – Belief in a Supreme Being,  Yellow – Protection and preservation of the great our doors, Green – Understanding of immortal life and peace, Blue – Loyalty and faithfulness to family and friends, Indigo – To be a proud and responsible citizen and to protect the flag of one’s country and Violet – Practice unselfish acts of kindness towards others.


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Here is a short video from one of our sister assembly to get you started.

news & events
>> homecoming april 2016
>> color fun run tba
>> texas gwa visit april 2016
Young men click above
>> officer installation may 2016
>> grand assembly june 2016
Visitors since March 2016
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Quick Forms
>> Member Petition
Count Down to Grand Assembly
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